Friday, September 11, 2015

Girls second week of preschool highlights

On Tuesday, Daddy picked up Annabelle and all her friends gave her a group hug good-bye

On Wednesday, Claire brought her first art work home (See picture below) and liked to pretend she was a Daddy when playing house with some friends.  Annabelle talked about how her boy teacher could pull his finger off his hand.  She liked playing in the sand with Lily Annabelle and magnetic tiles with Ruby.  

On Thursday, Annabelle met a new friend named Micah.  She liked playing parachute.  Before she left, she found Finley and Ruby to say good-bye.  She also found Lily Annabelle and gave her a hug good-bye.

On Friday, Annabelle liked playing freeze tag outside.  She got tag 1 out of 2 games.  Claire liked playing dino game.  Annabelle got a special gift from Finley.
Every Friday, the girls get to bring home their pillow and blanket to get washed.  Their pillows have their name embroider on it.

Annabelle showing me the tomato she picked from the school garden.  Annabelle likes the tomatoes, but Claire does not.  At least she tried it. 

The is Annabelle's bed she sleeps on.  She sleeps by Ruby and Finley

Annabelle said, "Mom remember my friend from a long time ago in ballet class?  We played kitchen together with Ruby."  Kendell is in kindergarten now, so Annabelle sees her in the early morning before Kindergarten starts.  
Claire's first art work she did at school

Annabelle helped paint some of the monkey bar parts
Annabelle opening an envelope from Finley.  He put it in her mailbox.  It's just a piece of paper crinkled up.  It means a lot to her.  Annabelle informed me he is just a friend because you have to be married to have a boyfriend.

Some of Annabelle's cats that she drew.  One of her friends Lucas asked her how to draw a cat, so she showed him.  She also gave him one of her pictures of a cat.  

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