Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Annabelle June

Annabelle loves to ask Why now.  She developed a fear of alligator getting her.  Every night, she talks to herself about how alligator are at the zoo and aren't going to get her.  Then she comes up with a list of everyone and everything that the alligators are not going to get, such as sissy, Chaz, Jessica (sitter), boys (sitter's kids), Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, music, all the Yo Gabba characters, and just about everything else she sees in her room.  Annabelle is starting to use "me" instead of referring to herself as Annabelle.  Annabelle had a little backset with potty and had several accidents a week, but is starting to to much better.  Some of Annabelle's new favorite places that she asks to go to almost everyday are Mommy's work, Grandma's house, or Chuck-E-Cheese.  She also got more clingy to her parents this month.  We don't mind the extra hugs and love!

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