Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Claire 14 months

Claire likes to crawl all around and pull to stand everywhere.  She is starting to squat down to pick things up more.  Claire loves to stand on her tip toes to look out the living room window, especially when Daddy is mowing.  Claire is still struggling with her allergies/constant running nose & breathing.  She is going to see an ENT next Wednesday.  Claire is interested in feeding herself with utensils.  She says, "Done" and pulls on the edge of her tray on her high chair, but as soon as you go to take the tray off, she quickly reaches for one last bite off her tray.  It's so funny to watch.  Claire loves riding on her motorcycle toy.  She got to ride the small Merry-Go-Around at Chuckie Cheese and loved it!  There were several weeks where she loved to stay in her babysitters arms instead of going to Mommy's arm, but that is starting to change.  She loves to walk around with someone holding her arms as she moves her little feet.  She getting faster and faster at that.  She can stand on her own for several seconds too.

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