Monday, July 1, 2013

Claire 15 months

Claire is getting her adenoids removed and her tubes put in on July 5th!  Hopefully this will help her breathe a lot better and snore less. She is at the 25% for height and weight.  She is 30 inches and weighs 20 pounds 11 ozs.  Claire wants to walk with someone holding her hands all the time.  She likes for them to even walk her up the stairs.  She is crawling all the way up the stairs too!  Claire likes to press the buttons on anything including the DVD.  Claire is doing the "more" sign better.  She has the words of Dad, Done, Chaz, ball, and balloon approximation and butterfly approximation.  She loves popsicles and will say, "pop!" or scream with joy when she hears that word. She loves to pretend to talk in the phone by putting it up to hear and babble a sound or two.  She also puts other objects to her ear and tries to talk.  She likes to imitate the "la la la" of the elmo pop up toy.

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