Wednesday, March 13, 2013

claire 11 months

Claire has become very curious this past month  She likes to reach for everything; however she still hates to be on her belly, so we had no luck learning to crawl.  Every time she tries to pull to stand, she slides under the    crib or table.  She learned to point and will point her she wants to go or what she wants to hear Mommy say.  She likes to point at pictures or the window.  She is babbling a lot more & a string of babbling.  She has 4 teeth (2 top & 2 bottom).  She is very cuddly and loves being with her sister.  Annabelle and Claire hold hands while they jump on the bed (Mommy bounces Claire & Annabelle is holding her hand).  They look at each other and laugh.  Claire also likes to reach for herself when looking in the mirror.  She likes to look at books, but also needs up mouthing them.  Claire likes most of the food that is offered.  She likes to take things in and out of containers.

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