Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Annabelle loves to jump, color, draw, play play-doh, play dolls, watch Yo Gabba, and talk.  She is in a big girl's bed and likes it; although she wakes up several times during the night.  She is quite the early riser too lately (5:30) although with the time change, it's unpredictable lately.  She tries to take everything to bed from toothbrushes, to wash clothes (blankets for her stuff animals), to books to puzzles to at least 6 different stuff animals.  Annabelle is very sweet to Claire still.  She loves holding her hand and helping her jump.  She also wants Claire to sit on her lap as she gives her a hug which accidentally results in chocking her.  Her intentions are good!  Her favorite foods are Frozen Go Gurts and pizza. She likes to do Yo Gabba dances several hours after watching the show.  On our way home from the sitters, she says, "No home, don't want to go home, go store."  When we drive past a store, she will say, "Go this store!"    Then she will start whinning as soon as we turn into our neighborhood.  Everything is mine or my.  When she is watching Yo Gabba, she might say, "Where My skateboard? or "Where Annabelle's bike?"  She wants everything in the store now!  Daddy gave Annabelle an unexpected  hair cut that was a little too short for Mommy's taste.  Annabelle is still adorable!    

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