Monday, February 11, 2013

Annabelle 26 months

I can now say that Annabelle is officially potty trained both with pee and poop.  She is dry a few nights out of the week.  What a long two month process, but we are finally there!  Some of Annabelle's favorite phrases to say are: Oh man!  Sissy down, mommy up! see you later! see you tomorrow!  If you give her a choice she will say no or repeat what you said which means yes.  She has 3 out of her 4 two year molars that came in this month.  She loves to hop forward and is starting to hop over things.  She finally can do somersaults for the most part.  She loves to draw circles, lines, and dots.  She uses those skills to draw all the Yo Gabba Characters, Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Annabelle, sun, and a flower.  I consider her drawings to be somewhat recognizable.  She loves to draw several different times everyday including in her notebook, on the easel, and in the bathtub.  Her favorite show is Yo Gabba and I see her sing songs, act parts of the show out, and dance during her play time.  She likes playing with her baby dolls and doing puzzles.  She likes to pick out what she wears which usually consists of Yo Gabba clothes, monkeys, or penguins.  If she had an elephant shirt, I'm sure she would pick that too.  She is a great sister by patting Claire and saying, "Don't cry sissy!" when Claire is said or by giving her toys. 

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