Thursday, December 20, 2012

claire 9 month checkup

Claire weighs 16.6 lbs and is 26 inches long and fell off her own growth curve.  Her head circumfernce is still on the same curve.  So since she didn't gain enough weight or height and is probably delayed gross motor, they are having her come back in 6 weeks instead of waiting the full 3 months to detect if there is a major concern.  I get to fill out an ASQ screening tool to send back to the Doctors, but really I will probably score it myself before I sent it in.  The bonus of where I work.   At almost 9 months, Claire is starting to prefer finger food over baby food.  She is transferring objects to each hand.  She is reaching for toys all around her while sitting or laying.  She can only roll one way, but is very close to both ways.  Whenever, I try to put her on her stomach, she immediately rolls over.  She is babbling.  She is pulling a blanket off from her head or off a toy.  She smiles and watches people a lot.  She will stop crying when Mommy holds her.  She is still nursing or taking it from a bottle, but Mommy is going to start mixing formula in after the Holidays.  Annabelle is now calling her own boobs, "Sissy's food."  She likes to try to pet Chaz or the cat at the sitters.  She responds to "sissy" or "Claire." Hopefully she will start crawling or pulling to stand soon, so she won't be too far behind.

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