Thursday, December 13, 2012

Annabelle 2nd Birthday

Annabelle had several birthdays due to scheduling conflicts.  Her first party was celebrated with the Gilbride side the day after Thanksgiving.  It was suppose to be at our house, but we Sears ended up calling and installing a dishwasher during that time, so it was moved to the Gilbride house for pizza and cake.  We celebrated her next birthday on Saturday Dec 8, and it was going to be at our house again, but Matt got sick so we moved it to Grandma & Grandpa Powell's house.  She loved the easel and velcro food to cut!  On her actual birthday, I was able to bring a balloon and McDonald's over to the sitter's house on my lunch break.  She loved the french fries!!  That night, we had her favorite meal: Pizza and a slushy!  Matt's gift to her was a train and I got her Yo Gabba Shirt and a quiet book.  We also both got her a kitchen.  She smiled when we lit the candles on her cupcake and sang Happy Birthday.   

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