Saturday, December 15, 2012

Annabelle 2 years old update

Annabelle is 26 pounds (50%) and 30% for head & 77% for height.  She is staying at the same % that she's been the past year which is good!  Annabelle likes to ask a lot of "Where questions:" especially when it comes to Claire and Daddy.  She is coming up with her own sentences, but still has her common phrases like, "Oh, no fall down, boom" or "I like it"  She is wearing underwear and loves to be in underwear.  She still have 1-2 accidents a day, but usually 3 days a week we are accident free!  Annabelle loves to sing and dance.  She starting to act out song scenes from Yo Gabba Gabba.  Her favorite foods are pizza, french fries, cookies, popsicles  juice, milk, corn, cheese, and suckers.  Once a week, she has a hard time separating from Mom at the sitters, but quickly recovers after Mom leaves.  She is interacting more and more with friends.  She is still shy at first, but joins within a few minutes.  She went to Pump It Up for the first time since being outside the womb (She went 2 days before she was born).  She loved it!  She sat on Santa's   lap and look at Santa rather than the camera (It was still a cute picture because Clare was also looking at Santa, too).  She got to ride the Merry-Go-Round afterwards.  Annabelle likes to run away when it is time to get dress.  She also likes to dress on her own on her own term.  She practices putting on socks, shoes, underwear, and pants.  It takes forever because she doesn't want any help at this time either.  If Claire is crying, she will say, "it's okay sissy" and tries to pat her (or head butt her).  She a very fun 2 year old!

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