Thursday, December 27, 2012

Annabelle's Christmas

Some of Annabelle's favorite gifts were Muno & Plex (Yo Gabba Gabba)

She got the hang of unwrapping gifts after someone started it for her

She even wanted to look for more gifts under the tree

Another favorite were Mardi Gras beads and crowns from the Dollar store

Claire Christmas Morning

Claire spent Christmas Morning chewing on her new toys

or trying to figure out her new Kentucky Sippy Cups

or eating wrapping paper when all eyes were on Annabelle

Christmas Cousins

Claire & Emily 7 months apart

Annabelle, Maddie & Max.  It's almost time for bed!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Fun

Playing in the snow again with Daddy on Christmas Eve

Reading books


You can have kisses, but only Mommy gets to share a coke slush with me!

Christmas Eve Bath Time

Annabelle couldn't hardly wait to get into the bath tub when she saw the Christmas tree painted on the wall.  She sang a song about decorating the Christmas tree as she put the foam ornaments on it. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

First real snow

Daddy took Annabelle outside to play in the snow.  She liked going down our hill in the sled too!  She can't wait for more time in the snow.

Rocking out

After dinner Annabelle & Daddy rock out with their guitars!

Dog walk

Aunt Charla got Annabelle a dog that can walk.  Annabelle had fun making the dog walk through the box

2 bananas

Look I can hold one thing in each hand when you put them there.  I can also bang them together!

Snowman picture

Annabelle's drawing of a snowman. Age 2

Thursday, December 20, 2012

xmas clothes

Sometimes I like action shots better than when I actually get both girls to look!

Jingle bells 
Annabelle likes to be a big helper with Claire

Annabelle train bath

Annabelle is saying, "All aboard" and "Choo choo" as she takes different foam vehicle pieces to make a train during bath time! 

claire 9 month checkup

Claire weighs 16.6 lbs and is 26 inches long and fell off her own growth curve.  Her head circumfernce is still on the same curve.  So since she didn't gain enough weight or height and is probably delayed gross motor, they are having her come back in 6 weeks instead of waiting the full 3 months to detect if there is a major concern.  I get to fill out an ASQ screening tool to send back to the Doctors, but really I will probably score it myself before I sent it in.  The bonus of where I work.   At almost 9 months, Claire is starting to prefer finger food over baby food.  She is transferring objects to each hand.  She is reaching for toys all around her while sitting or laying.  She can only roll one way, but is very close to both ways.  Whenever, I try to put her on her stomach, she immediately rolls over.  She is babbling.  She is pulling a blanket off from her head or off a toy.  She smiles and watches people a lot.  She will stop crying when Mommy holds her.  She is still nursing or taking it from a bottle, but Mommy is going to start mixing formula in after the Holidays.  Annabelle is now calling her own boobs, "Sissy's food."  She likes to try to pet Chaz or the cat at the sitters.  She responds to "sissy" or "Claire." Hopefully she will start crawling or pulling to stand soon, so she won't be too far behind.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Annabelle 2 years old update

Annabelle is 26 pounds (50%) and 30% for head & 77% for height.  She is staying at the same % that she's been the past year which is good!  Annabelle likes to ask a lot of "Where questions:" especially when it comes to Claire and Daddy.  She is coming up with her own sentences, but still has her common phrases like, "Oh, no fall down, boom" or "I like it"  She is wearing underwear and loves to be in underwear.  She still have 1-2 accidents a day, but usually 3 days a week we are accident free!  Annabelle loves to sing and dance.  She starting to act out song scenes from Yo Gabba Gabba.  Her favorite foods are pizza, french fries, cookies, popsicles  juice, milk, corn, cheese, and suckers.  Once a week, she has a hard time separating from Mom at the sitters, but quickly recovers after Mom leaves.  She is interacting more and more with friends.  She is still shy at first, but joins within a few minutes.  She went to Pump It Up for the first time since being outside the womb (She went 2 days before she was born).  She loved it!  She sat on Santa's   lap and look at Santa rather than the camera (It was still a cute picture because Clare was also looking at Santa, too).  She got to ride the Merry-Go-Round afterwards.  Annabelle likes to run away when it is time to get dress.  She also likes to dress on her own on her own term.  She practices putting on socks, shoes, underwear, and pants.  It takes forever because she doesn't want any help at this time either.  If Claire is crying, she will say, "it's okay sissy" and tries to pat her (or head butt her).  She a very fun 2 year old!

Yo Gabba Games

Lately, we been acting out parts of Annabelle's favorite TV Show: Yo Gabba Gabba.  Above, she playing the Peek-A-Boo game.  Mom sings the song and when she finds Annabelle, Annabelle yells Peek-A-Boo.

Annabelle sings "Nap Time, Nap Time, Time for Sleep, Time for Sleep, Nap Time Nap Time, close your eyes and sleep" as she tucks Todee, Fofa, and Brobee under the blankets.

Cutting Fruit

Annabelle working hard to cut fruit that Aunt Michelle gave her for her birthday!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh Deer

Matt took these pictures from inside our house.

Annabelle 2nd Birthday

Annabelle had several birthdays due to scheduling conflicts.  Her first party was celebrated with the Gilbride side the day after Thanksgiving.  It was suppose to be at our house, but we Sears ended up calling and installing a dishwasher during that time, so it was moved to the Gilbride house for pizza and cake.  We celebrated her next birthday on Saturday Dec 8, and it was going to be at our house again, but Matt got sick so we moved it to Grandma & Grandpa Powell's house.  She loved the easel and velcro food to cut!  On her actual birthday, I was able to bring a balloon and McDonald's over to the sitter's house on my lunch break.  She loved the french fries!!  That night, we had her favorite meal: Pizza and a slushy!  Matt's gift to her was a train and I got her Yo Gabba Shirt and a quiet book.  We also both got her a kitchen.  She smiled when we lit the candles on her cupcake and sang Happy Birthday.   


Annabelle loves to color and draw.  Typically she will say, "eyes, eyes, and happy".  This week she started saying other things after she draws them.  After she drew this she said, "Toodee"  (which is the Yo Gabba Cat dragon in the picture)

Shaving cream snowman bath

Annabelle loved picking up the snowman shaving cream and then putting it under the faucet to make it "melt".  She also liked adding the eyes and nose to it, too!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

early December pics

Annabelle loved her stroller from her Godmother Rachel

Claire had her first friend (Jane) over last Wednesday

Claire holding on to the ball

Happy Birthday Bath

This is what the bathtub looked when she walked in

Her favorite part was putting foam dots on the cake

Then she put the dots on the balloon and also her belly button

Putting the dots on the cake in her lap.  She painted a little which is why the bath tub is really yellow!

Bath time is fun

She was very excitied to see the balloons and likes pushing them all to one side and then saying, "I like it!"  She took all the balloons out when she was done with the bath