Sunday, June 8, 2014

Late May, early June

Running through the sprinkler.  Annabelle and Daddy had some great fun outside fun while Claire was inside recovering from surgery 

For Mommy's birthday, she got a yummy cake and a massage gift card.  Daddy got a bag of his favorite things:  tape measure, Beef Jerky, lighter for the grill, flashlight, beer, and a bottle opener.  He also cooked steaks and ate cake too.  After he opened his gift, Annabelle kept filling the gift bag up with her toys to give him.  In the picture is some of the stuff she personally gave him (at least very short term)

Claire was happy about the lift jacket before going on the boat.  She liked falling down onto it

On the boat, Claire didn't like any of it.  Both girls did much better a week later when we had a "Snack Boat Ride"  Grandpa and Grandma got a new boat for their lake house.

Annabelle looking for things!

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