Sunday, June 8, 2014

Claire surgery

Claire got her tonsils out and her second set of ear tubes in.  It was a rough recovery, but we were good after day 9!  It was like taking care of a very fussy infant but worst.  I had to hold her a lot and got lots of sticky medicine and ice cream/Popsicles all over me.  She had a hard time drinking and eating.  She had moments where she loved sherbet, pancakes, and milk.  We had to take her to the ER midweek because she wasn't drinking or peeing.  She got a round of IV's which helped her want to drink the next day.

Before Surgery on Friday
After 5 hours after surgery.  Claire and Mommy stayed over night

We ended up staying way longer than the 24 hours because she wouldn't drink consistently, but by 5pm on Saturday she was home eating sherbet.  


A little happier on Monday, but very swelled in the face but the red under the eyes went away.

Still happy on Tuesday

Awful Wednesday

Refusing everything and crying at the sight of drinks/food.  Time to go to the ER for fluids

 Happy again on Thursday after having liquids
On Friday, you can really tell she lost some weight.  She felt so light too!

8 days after surgery Claire ate lots and lots of pancakes
Day 9 Mom barely had to hold her anymore.  The bear in the picture was her comfort animal during this hole time

Finally on Memorial Day, Mom felt confident she could go back to work.  Cheers are in order!!!

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