Friday, November 27, 2015

Giving Thanks to Family

Claire's school picture

Annabelle and Claire made this barn for their friend, Finley's birthday

Annabelle plan that she drew and then created a horse out of recycle materials

Writing numbers with Daddy

Annabelle's person 

Annabelle drew stars and horses

Claire giving Annabelle a ride on one of the beautiful days in November

Daddy giving Claire a ride

Mommy and Daddy had a date night in November and went to see Kip Moore.  They sold buckets of beer!

Hanging out at Ledges again.  Looking at the carvings in the cave

Nature's Balance Beam

Annabelle asked for a Singing Elsa doll. Claire refused to sit on Santa's lap, but told him she wanted a puppy.  Santa said, "He can't do live pets."  She told him, "No a pretend puppy!"

Riding the sled at Grandma's house

A wonderful Thanksgiving with cousins and grandparents and Aunts & Uncles.  

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