Friday, November 27, 2015

Giving Thanks to Family

Claire's school picture

Annabelle and Claire made this barn for their friend, Finley's birthday

Annabelle plan that she drew and then created a horse out of recycle materials

Writing numbers with Daddy

Annabelle's person 

Annabelle drew stars and horses

Claire giving Annabelle a ride on one of the beautiful days in November

Daddy giving Claire a ride

Mommy and Daddy had a date night in November and went to see Kip Moore.  They sold buckets of beer!

Hanging out at Ledges again.  Looking at the carvings in the cave

Nature's Balance Beam

Annabelle asked for a Singing Elsa doll. Claire refused to sit on Santa's lap, but told him she wanted a puppy.  Santa said, "He can't do live pets."  She told him, "No a pretend puppy!"

Riding the sled at Grandma's house

A wonderful Thanksgiving with cousins and grandparents and Aunts & Uncles.  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

preschool updates school

The girls had another friend playdate.  Annabelle invited Finely over to her house and Claire invited Luke over her house.  Annabelle and Finely played together the whole time from jumping on the trampoline, dress up, and blocks.  Claire and Luke liked playing in the sand box.  They mostly liked doing their own thing.
Another piece of information, my girls informed me was that Annabelle, Claire, and Lucas has a secret hiding spot on the playground  at school where they like to talk about poop.  There is a rule at school that they can only talk about poop in the bathroom. 
Annabelle drew her best friend Ruby.  At parent conferences, Annabelle, Ruby, and Molly are all in competition to best friends, but you can only have 1 best friend.

Annabelle added her house, scooter, and snow to her family.  This is hanging in the hallway

Annabelle liked drawing butterflies today

Annabelle's school picture

Claire's friend Cord.  This was during the family fundraiser walk they had at school!

trick or treat

Trick or Treat.  Give Ariel and puppy something good to eat

Trick or treating at Desmond's neighborhood while the boys passed out candy.  Claire was a penguin for this trick or treat!  Everyone loved how adorable she was again this year.  However, no one took her pictures unlike last year when she was an elephant!

Fall leaves

Annabelle's Dance class on Halloween

This is the first year, Claire jumped in the leaves on her own and without crying.  

Since we have no leaves, we play in our neighbor's leaves

pumpkin carving

Due to weather and preplanned play dates, we had our own pumpkin carving party with Annabelle's friend, Riley.

Annabelle side of the pumpkin

Claire's upside down side of the pumpkin

When we picked out pumpkins, both girls wanted a small white pumpkin.  They painted their pumpkin and we got one big pumpkin for our family