Sunday, January 4, 2015

Brunch with Santa Claus

Our life insurance, William Penn had a holiday party where Santa gave the children gifts.  Annabelle was all about talking to Santa.  She told Santa she wants Elsa & Anna things and a Snow Leopard!  Annabelle's present today was a book with a stuff kitty. 

Claire didn't care for Santa, but she tolerated him so she could get a gift.  She wants a big penguin for Christmas.  Today she got a bear with a blanket and blocks from Santa. 

On Christmas Eve, we also saw Archie the Snowman at Chapel Hill Mall.  He was really friendly and nice!  Annabelle told him she wanted an Olaf and Claire wanted Paw Patrol.  I wouldn't recommend seeing Santa or Archy the day before because they will surprise you with new things on their list!

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