Saturday, November 2, 2013

updates on Claire

Claire is now walking and almost running.  She just started riding forwards on her riding toys.  She likes to draw lines with chalk.  She has a hard time keeping markers and crayons on paper or on the easel.  She loves bath time and brushing her teeth.  She favorite show is "Yo Gabba"  Her favorite words are Mommy, Chaz, turtle, and Bear.  She answers a lot of questions with "ya" or shakes her head no.  She has about 20 other words.  She is starting to say "Daddy" more especially when she sees a red truck.  She loves to pretend to go to sleep.  She likes to put her teddy bear or baby doll in the toy crib as well as walking them in the toy stroller.  She has to sleep with one of her many teddy bears and blanket.  In the morning, she likes to throw them on the floor and then cry out "mommy" When I come in she points to the floor and says "bear."  She also likes to play ring around the rosie and row your boat.  At her 18 month check-up she jumped percentiles for her weight (now in the 40%).  She is still in the 20% for height.  We switched her to allegra for her allergies.  The doctor says her tonsils look large.  We have a follow up with the ENT near Thanksgiving to get his opinion.    

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