Friday, April 5, 2013

one year old update

Claire is one year old.  She weighs 19 pounds 1/2 oz.  She is 28 inches tall.  She is falling in 15-20% for everything, but she is maintaining her growth curve.  Claire will now cover her eyes to play peek-a-boo.  She likes to roll a ball back and forth.  She likes to play with her Little People Animal zoo the best.  She does like to play with lots of other toys.  She is starting to really imitate other's play and words.  She is saying lots of word approximations for words like ball, bottle, balloon, Chaz, cat, Daddy, & Moma.  She points while grunting to everything she wants.  She is still not crawling, but starting to put her bottom in the air.  She is not pulling to stand, but will stand for a long time while holding on to a chair or tall toy.  She is starting to attempt to cruise on the furniture.  When holding onto her fingers, she can take 5-8 steps.  She is very aware of her surroundings.  She likes to ride in the stroller now, but is terrified of the swing.  She likes anything, but her favorites are hot dogs and any noodles.  She has 4 teeth with one more currently breaking through.  The doctor is concern with her heavy breathing and snoring, so we are going to start Zyrtec to see if it is allergy related or tonsil related.    

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