Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Claire

Claire is 3 years old and had a Paw Patrol Party
Claire opened her gift from her sister the morning of her birthday.

Thanks Big Sis

Paw Patrol decorations.  

More Paw Patrol

Look at all my wonderful birthday gifts

Make a wish!


We took a day trip to Columbus to see friends and visit COSI.  We loved it there especially the Kid Space on the second floor.
Playing in the sea/water area on the first floor

Hanging out in Old Towne

The Powell girls and the boys from Columbus

Rolling balls down the big hole

Cow Girl

One of Claire's favorite things was milking and feeding the pretend cow

Getting her eyes check at the pretend hospital

Annabelle loved picking things up with the tongs

Stacking the logs

Huge water table was a hit for both girls

We spent several hours in the Kids Space

Building with big soft blocks

Light tables

Big light bright

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Informal dance recital at the REC center

Annabelle sharing about playing in the snow and making snow pumpkins to her teacher.

dancing along.  During the dance recital, the children showed the audience their favorite "Ballet move".  Everyone in her class did some kind of move that the teacher can label a ballet move.  When it was Annabelle's turn, she jumped up and down and yelled, "boo"  Annabelle was so proud of herself.  Then the teacher quickly instructed Annabelle to do the first position in ballet to cover it up. 

Annabelle running this time and the next time she will be hopefully showing how she runs like a ballerina.

Dancing on her tip toes with the big exercise ball

Dancing along

Getting her certificate

Pictures with Daddy

More Feb fun

For Valentine's Day the girls got balloons and a stuff animal.  Annabelle got a kitten and Claire got a dog of course!

Having fun in the laundry basket

Annabelle likes to get adult books out of the library.  One day she asked for her book with the "little letters"  It took me a while to figure out she means these books.  She likes to make a story to read to us.

One evening, Claire decided it would be funny to put her pants on and then at least 3 pairs of underwear.  She laugh and laugh as she came out to show us.

She proceeded to put "sock hands" on

Claire accessorizing.  Little does she know she is a few decades out of style! 

The girls made a birthday table with rocks and paper towel holders

Snow Play in Feb

Annabelle can play in the snow for hours!  Claire still needs help walking in the deep snow we had this year.  The girls sitting in their pretend house by the road. 

Claire is pretending to be "Little Jake" in which you must use that name in order for her to comply to your requests

Annabelle making "snow pumpkins"

Playing with Daddy in the snow is so much fun!