Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ms. Potato Head

The night before Claire's surgery.  She is just laughing at herself when she sees herself through the camera and keeps making more and more Potato Head faces

Mother's Day

The girls painting their handprints that they made with Daddy for a gift for Mommy

The morning of Mother's Day, we went to feed the ducks and play at the park

One of the few rides Claire likes

Annabelle is getting good at climbing

Sweet girls

Later that day, we went over Aunt Michelle's house

Maddie reading a frozen book to the girls.  Annabelle listens while Claire just likes to cuddle with stuff animals and lay in the bean bag

Let's Go fly a kite

Daddy and the girls decided to try to fly a kite.

Annabelle was excitied for the first 5 minutes, but when Daddy finally got the hang of it, she moved on to something else

Claire wanted nothing to do with being in the grass (typical Claire) but when she sees a picture of a kite in her picture book she relates back to this past event by saying, "Daddy kite"

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Easter Morning Walk

On Easter Morning, while the Easter Bunny visited our house, we took a morning walk to see the Daffodils 

The girls got a new scooter.  Annabelle is getting better at it.

Claire carrying the bags

Claire likes tutus

Claire now is wearing other shirts, but she still wears at least one layer of cupcake shirts

Daddy's new toy

Daddy got a John Deer and the kids absolutely love riding on it

Easter Egg hunt

We went on a few Easter Egg hunts this year.  We had one at our house the day before Easter with cousin Ethan.  Mommy's friends from work had one at Goodyear Metro.  Our concert friend Cindy had one for the kids since her kids were too old for the hunt now.  Annabelle loved the candy the best.  Claire was just as excited to find the egg