Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Claire

Claire turned 2 years old.  We had a small get together on Saturday, but the ice/snow storm kept our guests from being together at the same time (some left early/some arrived later), but Claire still enjoyed her birthday!  She loved all her gifts!  Her favorites were the Jack in the Box, Cupcake shirt, & a trampoline! On Sunday (real birthday) we went to Dunkin Donuts in the morning and Chuck E Cheese!  Claire is 20% for height and weight and 60% for head circumference.  She is maintaining her growth chart.  She weighs 25 lbs.  She always wants to wear cupcake shirts and yo gabba underwear.  She still loves her bears.  She got a new bear that is holding a cupcake that she absolutely loves too!  She loves to play Ring Around the Rosie and pop the bubbles in her new bubble machine that Annabelle gave her for her birthday.  She is starting to put more 2 words together like "No bye bye"  "More Mommy" or "Where's Sissy?".  She is back to her "Why?" phase.
 A special Birthday bath with washable paint, glow sticks, and balloons.  Annabelle helped write some of the letters!

Presents!  Claire liked taking present to each of her guest and then opening gifts with them.  One of the presents, she cared more about the cupcake wrapping paper, but for the most part, she was excited about the toys!

Jumping on her new trampoline

Blowing out the candles

She is either singing Happy Birthday or chanting, "cake cake cake"

Riding the big horse at Chuck E Cheese

The blue horse is always a favorite.  She doesn't like the carsousel at the zoo, just the small on here!

The police car is going to get you!

Silly Girls

Claire going down the Slide in their Elsa's Ice castle

Claire thought it would be funny to put a diaper on her head, so Annabelle joined in the fun too!

Static hair from the Elsa Castle

We just finished making Claire's birthday cake, but Claire is still searching for more ingredients 

Playing Sleeping Beauty where Claire or Daddy has to kiss Annabelle to wake her up

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Feb pictures

Happy Valentine's Day girls!  Love Daddy

It so funny how Claire used to be terrified of the vacuum and now she wants to help!

One day we found Chaz liked this.  I guess we are just too busy to cuddle and he has to curl up to stuff animals now!

Dad's proud lego moment

Claire always find bears to cuddle and play with wherever she goes!

fun times

Annabelle's writing in blue & Claire's writing in green

Claire's first pee on the potty at the end of January.  It didn't take long to potty train her after that.  I guess she just wanted to be like her big sister!  The crazy part is that she is staying dry at least 5 days of the week at night time too and she not even 2 yet

Silly faces before bed!

Little Leapers

This winter Annabelle has been taking "jumping class" which is tumbling class at the Rec center

Here's some of her tricks.  Annabelle likes to cut in line a little too often in class!