Monday, May 20, 2013

bike ride

Both girls enjoyed the bike ride.  Claire babble the whole way which makes Daddy happy knowing she is still back there!

riding in the driveway

Claire loves to ride on her riding toy although she goes backwards

pretty flowers

Annabelle smelling and looking at the pretty flowers and landscaping that Matt did for Mother's Day

running in puddles

run run run

Annabelle May 2013

Annabelle is starting to ask "Why?" for lots of things.  Annabelle is also starting to tell me one or two things about the sitter's house.  Usually the answers are something along with playing with boys, taking boys to school, or about her falling or getting a boo-boo that day.  Another new phrase is "Oh my God!" which she says with so much intonation!  Annabelle understands places we will be going to and gets very excited especially when it's Grandma's house.  Annabelle likes to count everything from pictures in books, to steps she takes, and things she sees.  Annabelle is still sweet to Claire, but says, :"That's mine" to everything Claire grabs.  Annabelle is becoming very fast at taking things from Claire's hand.  She encourages Claire to crawl by saying, "crawl, crawl, crawl" and gets right down next to her when Claire attempts to try.  Annabelle loves playing outside and riding on her toys in the driveway or pushing things in the driveway.  She is getting better at turning around on her own at the end of the driveway.  Annabelle is taking interest in swinging on the big kid swing with help instead of the baby swing.  Annabelle still loves to buckle every buckle she sees.  Annabelle loves to tell the same story over and over again.  Her favorite story is about the sick bear she saw puking at the zoo. Annabelle is becoming more and more independent each day which makes us sad that she is growing up too fast!  

May 20 Claire crawls

Claire is starting to take several steps in crawling today!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Claire 13 months

Claire can wave hi or bye when she hears the words or sees vehicles moving.  Claire says bird, ball, Chaz, Dada, and dog.  She tries to imitate a lot of words in the moment or at least have the same intonation.  She points to everything she wants or notice.  Claire seems to understand so much too.  Claire is still very limited to her mobility.  She can almost get into the crawling position.  She is becoming very fast at cruising along her crib.  She can pull to stand and cruise along her activity table.  She still has a hard time pulling herself up and cruising along furniture where the grip instead obvious.  Claire is now enjoying her swing.  I truly believe this is due to the Clairtin increase last week.  Her nose is still running at meal times or if it really bad allergy wise outside.  She enjoys throwing balls, books, or just about anything on the ground and then pointing and vocalizing for someone to pick it up so she can do it again.  She loves watching her sister dance and sing.  She likes to ride in the double stroller and pat her sister on the head because she is in front of her.  She has 7 teeth!