Thursday, November 29, 2012

Annabelle 23 months & 8 months for Claire

I'm a few weeks late on updating about what Annabelle is doing at 23 months.  She likes to ask questions like, "What's that? Where did it go? Where's Dad?"  Annabelle is peeing and pooping on the potty around 4-5 times a day so we are putting her in underwear.  She has several accidents a day, but she loves wearing her underwear!  She calls herself Annabelle.  For example, "Annabelle's turn?"  She likes to sing Yo Gabba Gabba songs.  Her favorite are "Run in a circle" and "Don't Bite My Friends"  She loves to dance around the house.  She kisses her sister every night.  She is talking trying to talk in sentences, which makes it hard to understand her now.  She also whines and gets frustrated a lot lately.  She will point out that "it's too cold" or "too dark" which helps her cope not going outside after Mommy picks her up from the sitter.  She loves to jump forward.
Claire is finally sitting on her own!!!  Claire is eating baby food twice a day.  She typically sleeps from 6:50pm to 6:15 am.  She is babbling and mouthing toys.  She can make the "ba" sound.  Her favorite toys are Ladybug, Sophie, and a spoon.  The first two were also Annabelle's favorite toys around that age too.  She cries when Mommy leaves the room or someone else is holding her.  She is getting better about it each day.  She got baptized on November 18 and screamed the whole time.  That was one of the first times I felt embarrassed with my children because Annabelle was also having a hard time with me not holding her too.  

bloody red water

Oh No!  Annabelle fell and crack her head open.  
Just kidding!  We had a paint party in the bathtub

Hanging out by the Christmas tree

Look at our tree


Annabelle liked watching and trying to help decorate the tree. Claire likes the shinny ornaments too  

Go Browns

In honor of the Brown's Victory of Pittsburg

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nov pictures

Claire can now touch her toes and roll from her front to her back finally!

Waiting to leave to go to the sitters

Thank You

This will be the new home of the Powell's Family blog.  Please mark this as your new favorite.  I had to switch over because I used all my photo space on the last blog.